Quiedan constantly develops innovative and quality products that help growers grow better with structure. The following are some examples of these.

Don’t let birds eat your profits. Custom widths and length are available.
Bird Netting
Grow Tubes
This is not your grandfather’s milk carton. Higher survivability, rapid growth, and more fruit to market earlier, means more profits. Growers have recognized the benefits of protecting young trees and vines using Quiedan’s grow tubes, which protect plants from sunburn, herbicide contamination, and mechanical damage.

Insect Netting
Whether you want to keep damaging pest out or beneficial insects in, Quiedan has insect screens for your project.

Shade Cloth
Shade cloth improves quality by reducing peak temperatures and stress, minimizing sunburn and lessening the damaging effects of wind. Fruit grown under shade tends to be larger and cosmetically better. Quiedan has all of the materials needed for shade structures—shade cloths, steel and wood posts, and cables and riggings. Shade cloth is available in a wide range of shade values and weights.

Wiggle Wire and Channel
The best method for holding plastic film and other cloths securely to greenhouses and tunnels. Made from high tensile spring steel, wiggle wire fits into an aluminum channel and provides a strong hold for plastic film. It’s strong, it’s simple, and most of all, effective.

Wind Fence
Protecting your crop from ravages of wind is a good way to protect your profits. Controlling wind increases yield and improves quality.

Wire, Cable, and Hardware
Contact us to discuss these and other products as well as the innovative ways to use them on your ranch or farm.